Saturday, March 10, 2007

The Beginning

This is the journey of a complete newbie, Tara (that's me), building a successful home business. It all started early October. My sister had been doing online marketing for about 8 months and she was making some cash. That's when I decided to give it whirl. I signed up with a program called SFI. I got some pointers from my sister about advertising. I signed up for Traffic Swarm and started submitting to directories.

In the meantime I was doing searches to see what kind of other programs were out there. About 3 weeks later I found a program called Plug-In Profit Site. I was signed up with a few of the programs that PIPS requires. SFI, Traffic Swarm and Internet Marketing Center so I thought "why not".

PIPS has definately been a learning experience. The training alone is worth every penny. I've even learned some HTML. A lot of it actually makes sense to me now. It all looked like mumbo jumbo to me before. Well, it still does, but not as much!

I have been busy submitting articles, submitting to link directories, traffic exchanges, placing classified ads, blogging and posting in a forum. I did some SEO (I think) on my website. I'm not sure if I did it properly. My keywords are starting to show up in the search engines but I have a long way to go in order to get regular traffic to my site. I think this is the most difficult part of this whole journey.

Well, that's it for this post. I'll keep updating on this blog every other day or so.

To Your Success,

Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities

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