Monday, March 19, 2007


I'm telling you, I'm addicted to this business. I can't wait to get on the computer. I'm on and off all day in between taking care of the kids and the house. It's actually fun for me. I never thought I'd say that about any kind of work! This is something I can do for a very long time because it's never boring. I find something new everyday, whether it's a new article directory or some kind of software to play around with.

I was thinking about making a totally new website so it's different than all the other PIPS sites. I don't want to ruin any progress I'm making with my current site though so that's something for the future when I'm more established in my business.

Today I submitted more articles, clicked as usual (I can't wait 'til I can buy credits), posted some ads and blogged. Tomorrow will be more of the same. Ok I think that's it for today. See it's midnight here and I can't shut off my computer. I have to force myself! Must get to bed, kids have school in the morning. Seriously, I'm done for the day.

To Your Success,

Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities

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