Sunday, January 6, 2008

It's a Brand New Year

Wow, another year has passed us by and it's time to think about what we want this year to be. I plan to go full speed ahead with my home business. I admit the last few months were not spent doing what I needed to do to bring my business forward. I only have myself to blame for any lack of success.

This year I plan to do double duty with submitting to link directories, article submissions and traffic exchanges. I have been fairly regular with my home business blog. I will also be researching new ways to advertise my business.

Here are my stats for the last 2.5 months:

Newsletter subscribers have increased by 135, although some have unsubnscribed since then. Referrals in my various programs go like this: SFI 1; LAB 4; NPN 1; Hits2U 1; Traffic Swarm 4. I know, I know, it looks bad, but it's my own fault!! I didn't work the business like it needed to be worked. I'm hoping this year will bring better results and you will be the first to know!

To Your Success,

Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great attitude, Tara.

If we don't do it, it won't get done. If we don't tell people, they won't know.

You should do some more updates.
