I got my very first full PIPS signup!! I was doing the happy dance. Now I just hope I know enough to help her as best as I can lol. I think I can give her some useful advice if she wants it. I hope she enjoys it as much as I do.
Sure there are some frustrating times but it's worth it. I plan to make this business a success, I don't care if it takes 5 years!!
See I told you you'd hear about my first sign up!
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Why it's Worth it!!

These are my children. I added the extra pic of my daughter because that is how she looks now. She was about a year in the group photo. She'll be 2 in July. My kids are 11.5, 9, 4.5, and 1.5!
This is what it's all about! My children are the driving force for me to continue with my work at home business. I want them to have what they need and most of what they want, within reason lol. I think about how life could be and it makes me work that much harder. It may take a few years, but I'm ok with that.
It will be totally worth it if I succeed at financial freedom. My kids will have the money to go to college or university, I can pay for weddings, and we can take family trips!! That is my ultimate, long term goal.
Also, my husband won't have to work as hard and he can get a job that he really likes. Maybe if it gets really successful he can do what I do! That would be awesome. No answering to anybody. We can work when we want and how much we want.
My dreams WILL come true eventually, I know it!
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
Sunday, April 22, 2007
How Much Time to Spend On Business
It seems like I'm on the computer from sun up to sun down! I think in the beginning or until things get going a lot of time is required to start the wheels of a business rolling. I spend my days submitting articles, blogging, clicking on the traffic exchanges, and posting in forums. A schedule is important but it seems I can't get a set schedule down right now. I'm on and off through out the whole day. My kids get what they need and then I'm back on the computer.
You know what takes up the most time? Those pesky traffic exchanges! I have to click continuously or my credits go down and I have to catch up all over again. I try to spend at least an hour of continuous clicking a day. I think I spend more time than that though. It takes a while to get the credits up. I also notice that if I don't click I don't get many hits to my sites. All along I thought I was building up credits so my site could be seen while I was away. When I click a lot I can get over a hundred views but when I don't I get maybe 10!!
It defeats the purpose of building credits, I think. I want my site seen when I can't click! Oh well, it gives me a reason to click every day. Can you tell I'm not too fond of this whole clicking thing? I seem to post about it a lot lol.
I tried the article submission, as I wrote about in an earlier post, but it doesn't seem to have done much so far. I got one confirmation and my links have not went up significantly. Hopefully soon they will. My links go up and down a lot. I should only check it once a month so I don't see so much fluctuation. Google is so hard for links. I had 7 then it went down to 1 then it when up to 7 again and now it's at 5. I think I should have more than that. When I do a search lots come up and a lot of higher PR sites have my link.
I still have not gotten a sign up for PIPS but I know it's coming soon. I'm still remaining positive and I still love the program. I've learned so much from it. My day is around the corner and believe me you'll hear about it lol.
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
You know what takes up the most time? Those pesky traffic exchanges! I have to click continuously or my credits go down and I have to catch up all over again. I try to spend at least an hour of continuous clicking a day. I think I spend more time than that though. It takes a while to get the credits up. I also notice that if I don't click I don't get many hits to my sites. All along I thought I was building up credits so my site could be seen while I was away. When I click a lot I can get over a hundred views but when I don't I get maybe 10!!
It defeats the purpose of building credits, I think. I want my site seen when I can't click! Oh well, it gives me a reason to click every day. Can you tell I'm not too fond of this whole clicking thing? I seem to post about it a lot lol.
I tried the article submission, as I wrote about in an earlier post, but it doesn't seem to have done much so far. I got one confirmation and my links have not went up significantly. Hopefully soon they will. My links go up and down a lot. I should only check it once a month so I don't see so much fluctuation. Google is so hard for links. I had 7 then it went down to 1 then it when up to 7 again and now it's at 5. I think I should have more than that. When I do a search lots come up and a lot of higher PR sites have my link.
I still have not gotten a sign up for PIPS but I know it's coming soon. I'm still remaining positive and I still love the program. I've learned so much from it. My day is around the corner and believe me you'll hear about it lol.
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
Monday, April 16, 2007
10 Ways to Advertise Your Business
If you have a work at home business that you run over the internet with a website you will need to get the word out and attract people to your site. There are several ways to do this. Just remember to have a budget and stick to it. Make a plan and do something every day to advertise your work at home business. It is a competitive world out there so try to be unique and original.
Your advertising needs to pop out at people to get their attention. If they’ve seen it a hundred times, they’re not going to pay attention to yours. Make your potential customers want to see what you have to offer and want to keep coming back for more. It can be challenging and hard work, but in the end it will all be worth it when your business is a success.
These are some of the things you can do to advertise your work at home business. Advertising both online and offline can bring customers to your business. Here are some ideas.
Make a unique and exciting web page. If you are working online, this will be the heart and soul of your business. Make it as interesting as possible. You want potential customers to want to stay and read all the information you have to offer and buy your products.
Write original articles and submit them to article directories. Use your website in your resource box and people will visit your website if the article intrigues them enough.
Submit your website to link directories. The more exposure and back links to your site you can get, the better. Find link directories that are popular and have lots of traffic and you’ll have visitors in no time.
Place online and offline classifieds. Find classified sites, there are paid and free, and submit eye catching ads. Make the title pop so people will instantly be drawn to it.
Hand out flyers with your website address on them. Make flyers with a slogan or picture that will make people stop and look at it. Don’t be afraid to use some color.
Get some business cards made up with your website address on them. Hand these out whenever you get a chance. You can add color to these also.
Make use of the many traffic exchanges on the internet. Find as many as you can and pick the ones that interest you. Use as many as you’re comfortable with because you’ll have to surf and click for an hour or so a day to earn views to your site.
Post in forums. Giving people advise on the things you know is building a reputation for you and putting a signature with your name and website address may send people to your site. It’s also a great place to learn from others that are doing the same or similar business as you are.
Tell everyone you know about your business and before you know it they will tell others. It’s like a chain reaction, word of mouth can be powerful.
Make a capture page. Sometimes they are called squeeze pages or splash pages. Make it short and to the point to grab the attention of the person reading it. They will put their name and email in the opt in form and become a subscriber in your list. You can send them your offers for as long as they are a subscriber.
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
Your advertising needs to pop out at people to get their attention. If they’ve seen it a hundred times, they’re not going to pay attention to yours. Make your potential customers want to see what you have to offer and want to keep coming back for more. It can be challenging and hard work, but in the end it will all be worth it when your business is a success.
These are some of the things you can do to advertise your work at home business. Advertising both online and offline can bring customers to your business. Here are some ideas.
Make a unique and exciting web page. If you are working online, this will be the heart and soul of your business. Make it as interesting as possible. You want potential customers to want to stay and read all the information you have to offer and buy your products.
Write original articles and submit them to article directories. Use your website in your resource box and people will visit your website if the article intrigues them enough.
Submit your website to link directories. The more exposure and back links to your site you can get, the better. Find link directories that are popular and have lots of traffic and you’ll have visitors in no time.
Place online and offline classifieds. Find classified sites, there are paid and free, and submit eye catching ads. Make the title pop so people will instantly be drawn to it.
Hand out flyers with your website address on them. Make flyers with a slogan or picture that will make people stop and look at it. Don’t be afraid to use some color.
Get some business cards made up with your website address on them. Hand these out whenever you get a chance. You can add color to these also.
Make use of the many traffic exchanges on the internet. Find as many as you can and pick the ones that interest you. Use as many as you’re comfortable with because you’ll have to surf and click for an hour or so a day to earn views to your site.
Post in forums. Giving people advise on the things you know is building a reputation for you and putting a signature with your name and website address may send people to your site. It’s also a great place to learn from others that are doing the same or similar business as you are.
Tell everyone you know about your business and before you know it they will tell others. It’s like a chain reaction, word of mouth can be powerful.
Make a capture page. Sometimes they are called squeeze pages or splash pages. Make it short and to the point to grab the attention of the person reading it. They will put their name and email in the opt in form and become a subscriber in your list. You can send them your offers for as long as they are a subscriber.
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
Saturday, April 14, 2007
2006 - 2007 "Online Marketer Of The Year"
My friend Stone Evans has been nominated for the 2006 - 2007
"Online Marketer Of The Year" award. Check it out here:
You'll have a chance to login to Stone's personal computer
and watch him compete against the top marketers in the world
Dan Kennedy, Joe Sugarman, Robert Allen, Mark Joyner, Yanik
Silver, Mike Filsaime, Rich Schefren, Nick Marks, Gary
Ambrose, Alex Mandossian, Anik Singal, Armand Morin, Bill
Glazer, Bill Harris, Brad Antin, Brad Fallon, Carl Galletti,
Dan VanOrman, Dave Lakhani, David Frey, David Garfinkel,
Donna Fox, Eric Holmlund, Gauher Chaudhry, Harris Fellman,
Jeff Johnson, Jill Lublin, Joel Comm, Joshua Shafran, Keith
Baxter, Lorrie Morgan Ferrero, Liz Roberts, Lynn Pierce,
Marc Harty, Matt Bacak, Michel Fortin, Dr. Mike Woo-Ming,
Perry Marshall, Rhea Perry, Ray Edwards, Rick Raddatz, Ryan
Deiss, Shawn Casey, Stephen Pierce, Stu McLaren, Tellman
Knudson, John Carlton, Frank Rumbauskas and Russell
You will have a chance to watch all of these legendary
marketers LIVE and vote on who gives the best content.
Because they are very competitive people and want to win
this competition - they aren't going to hold ANYTHING back.
To register for this FREE webinar series, please enter your
name and email address in the form on the right on this
page: http://www.onlinemarketeroftheyear.com/stoneevans and
you will be given a free ticket to this webinar series.
It's like the "American Idol" for Internet marketers...
Enjoy the competition! :-)
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
"Online Marketer Of The Year" award. Check it out here:
You'll have a chance to login to Stone's personal computer
and watch him compete against the top marketers in the world
Dan Kennedy, Joe Sugarman, Robert Allen, Mark Joyner, Yanik
Silver, Mike Filsaime, Rich Schefren, Nick Marks, Gary
Ambrose, Alex Mandossian, Anik Singal, Armand Morin, Bill
Glazer, Bill Harris, Brad Antin, Brad Fallon, Carl Galletti,
Dan VanOrman, Dave Lakhani, David Frey, David Garfinkel,
Donna Fox, Eric Holmlund, Gauher Chaudhry, Harris Fellman,
Jeff Johnson, Jill Lublin, Joel Comm, Joshua Shafran, Keith
Baxter, Lorrie Morgan Ferrero, Liz Roberts, Lynn Pierce,
Marc Harty, Matt Bacak, Michel Fortin, Dr. Mike Woo-Ming,
Perry Marshall, Rhea Perry, Ray Edwards, Rick Raddatz, Ryan
Deiss, Shawn Casey, Stephen Pierce, Stu McLaren, Tellman
Knudson, John Carlton, Frank Rumbauskas and Russell
You will have a chance to watch all of these legendary
marketers LIVE and vote on who gives the best content.
Because they are very competitive people and want to win
this competition - they aren't going to hold ANYTHING back.
To register for this FREE webinar series, please enter your
name and email address in the form on the right on this
page: http://www.onlinemarketeroftheyear.com/stoneevans and
you will be given a free ticket to this webinar series.
It's like the "American Idol" for Internet marketers...
Enjoy the competition! :-)
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
Friday, April 13, 2007
Another Day at the "Office"
The last few days have been spent submitting my articles to many directories. I also found a site called SubscribeMe.net. I submit an ad and they send it to 1,000,000 readers from different ezines.
I've also been blogging, forum posting, traffic exchanges (20 of them), and link exchanging. I need to write another article. It's hard to concentrate with 4 children running around! They are wonderful children though;)
Stone Evans, the maker of the Plug-InProfit Site, had generously offered to do a rotation of PIPS members sites when he presents a "webinar". He has been nominated for Marketer of the Year! All the nominees put together a 60 minute "webinar" and show us how they do their online business. I can't wait! It all starts April 16th and Stone's "webinar" is on the 25th.
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
I've also been blogging, forum posting, traffic exchanges (20 of them), and link exchanging. I need to write another article. It's hard to concentrate with 4 children running around! They are wonderful children though;)
Stone Evans, the maker of the Plug-InProfit Site, had generously offered to do a rotation of PIPS members sites when he presents a "webinar". He has been nominated for Marketer of the Year! All the nominees put together a 60 minute "webinar" and show us how they do their online business. I can't wait! It all starts April 16th and Stone's "webinar" is on the 25th.
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Cool New Finds!
The last few days I've been trying out some new tools I found. One is called Crazy Browser. You know how I have to click, click, click to keep my credits up? Well I still have to do that but this makes it a little easier. All my traffic exchanges are put into a group and I can open them all at once! When surfing I just push F3 to go from page to page. I get 12 TE's in there and click away! It's pretty cool.
Now, another thing I found, while visiting the Warrior Forum, is called Artemis Lite. I submits your articles to tons of directories andthe best thing is it's FREE! I love FREE! It was a little frustrating at first because I couldn't get my article formatted properly.
That's where the next cool tool comes in. This article formatter is awesome. A guy on the Plug-In Profit Site Forum helped me out. It's takes 2 seconds to get the article formatted.
The only problem is that when I submitted my article using Artemis Lite, it stopped responding. I'll be trying it out again today. It submitted to 500+ directories. We'll see how it goes.
Today I'm going to make another splash page I think. No sign up with the other one yet.
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
Now, another thing I found, while visiting the Warrior Forum, is called Artemis Lite. I submits your articles to tons of directories andthe best thing is it's FREE! I love FREE! It was a little frustrating at first because I couldn't get my article formatted properly.
That's where the next cool tool comes in. This article formatter is awesome. A guy on the Plug-In Profit Site Forum helped me out. It's takes 2 seconds to get the article formatted.
The only problem is that when I submitted my article using Artemis Lite, it stopped responding. I'll be trying it out again today. It submitted to 500+ directories. We'll see how it goes.
Today I'm going to make another splash page I think. No sign up with the other one yet.
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
My Splash Page
I've been busy the day or two. I made my first splash page. I had a little help with the code by using a splash page generator. I then changed it to the way I liked it. I'm going to make some more to see what else I can come up with. My HTML knowledge is pretty minimal. It's all trial and error with me. I make a change then check it out to see if it looks ok. I go back and forth, back and forth. I've been experimenting with Evrsoft First Page. It's an HTML editor so it makes it a lot easier. I just downloaded it a couple days ago. Before then I was doing the back and forth thing, which was a pain.
I still haven't gotten my article into the directories because I was working on my page. I was also working on signing up for traffic exchanges, like I didn't have enough before. I installed what's called Crazy Browser and you can go through all the traffic exchanges pretty easily. I have 12-13 going usually. As you may have read in an entry I posted in March, I just love clicking;)
Ok, it's time for me to start submitting my article.
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
I still haven't gotten my article into the directories because I was working on my page. I was also working on signing up for traffic exchanges, like I didn't have enough before. I installed what's called Crazy Browser and you can go through all the traffic exchanges pretty easily. I have 12-13 going usually. As you may have read in an entry I posted in March, I just love clicking;)
Ok, it's time for me to start submitting my article.
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Today I felt productive. I did some changes to my website, blogged, wrote an article, posted on a forum and of course the never ending clicking! Tomorrow I will go nuts and post my new article to a ton of directories. If you read the previous post my article is similar to that only without the refrences to me and my situation personally. Sometimes it's a little difficult to concentrate around here with the kids. Today my hubby took over and I stayed in my room and got some things done. Hopefully tomorrow will be a productive one also.
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
To Your Success,
Tara Martindale
Work at Home Business Opportunities
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