Saturday, March 17, 2007

Another Day Working the Business

I've been submitting articles and building up links to my site. My site went from a position in the 150's to the 4oo's using my main keywords. It's at #11 with other keywords. Google is confusing! I have 1 measly backlink to my site according to Google. Total backlinks, using Link Popularity Check, I'm at about 380. I have a long way to go in order to get my site higher up on Google and start getting traffic. I really don't get any traffic right now. I have my Plug-In Profit Site sales page on 8 different traffic exchanges. I will list them below. All the advertising I do is free so it takes a while longer to start seeing the traffic roll in.

I'm still waiting to get my first sale in PIPS, but I know it'll happen soon and I can't wait. I've gotten some sign ups in SFI and I have spillover in Empowerism and Success University. I make a little cash from SFI and Empowerism.

I promote a couple other programs also that I make a little money off of. They are GDI and NPN. I have faith that everything will work out and I will start making good money in my business. I'm sticking to this and I will make it successful for my family! They deserve it.

Ok, here are the names of those traffic exchanges:

Traffic Swarm


Hit Safari


Hits 24/7

I Love Hits


Traffic Pods

To Your Success,

Tara Martindale

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